Thursday, February 3, 2011

Quick Thought

When did my acceptance of whatever makes you happy become the defining landmark of whether or not I love you?  When did telling people the truth become hate instead of love?  When did telling people their wrong become hate?  Do I think my mother and father hate me just because they didn't always capitulate to what made me happy?  Were they hating me when they told me the truth whether I liked it or not?


  1. Caison,
    Please use spell check and a dictionary before you post!

    Also, right and wrong and truth are different to people. Your truth isn't always another's truth. Your wrong doesn't always mean wrong to someone else. Maybe you should stop sharing your thoughts/opinions and judgments about others wrongs or mistruths and starting just sharing how YOU choose to live. Your life isn't the right way or the wrong's just your way.

  2. Well since you said I might should stop sharing my thoughts/opinions/judgments I'll just take that as "your truth" and feel free to ignore you.

    I love you big sis, but you're confusing the difference b/t "truth" and "opinion".
    For example: It might be my "opinon" that chocolate ice cream is the best ice cream in the world, but that wouldn't mean someone who felt the same way about vanilla ice cream was wrong. It would just mean they had different tastes than I do. However it is "true" that rape is wrong and it doesn't matter if you think otherwise b/c it's still wrong, no matter the circumstance.

    So, feel free to ignore my opinions but you would be wise to hear and listen to that which is true whether it comes from me or anyone else.

    The problem seems to be that you are a relativist. If this is correct then you have no truth...all you have are opinions or tastes and so you drown in the sea of self-contradiction whenever you tell someone they should or shouldn't do anything.

  3. FYI...I just spellchecked b/c I'm OCD like that, and fixed the one mistake I had made. I forgot the "s" on always. I don't think I misused any words, but feel free to correct away. :)
