Sunday, February 24, 2013's not simple math

I have been thinking lately on what divides the body of Christ locally and universally. I came to the conclusion that it was/is doctrine. We can get past a lot of things with one another, but doctrines account for most of the large scale divisions as far as I can tell. Doctrine of course is essential so there is no doing away with it, or else you end up with relativism and liberalism. So upon further review I think I’ll say that it is incorrect doctrine that divides us. Doctrines, whether correct or incorrect, become ingrained in us and at some point they become our traditions. Traditions aren’t bad either, it’s just incorrect ones that are the culprit.

The conundrum is that those who study the most devoutly are the ones who have the strongest doctrinal and tradition stances while those who study the least end up adopting one of these devout people’s doctrines/traditions, whether for good or ill, and none of us will budge because of course we are all correct.

It seems to be quite the unfixable problem.

As a man who believes in the sovereignty of God I often wonder why God has caused me to live in such a divided and confusing time as ours. Regardless of His reasons I know one thing for sure: I would rather live in such a time as ours in Christ and apart of His Body than to live in the most devout age in history outside of it!

God has placed us in such a time as ours my dear brothers and sisters and it will be to His glory if the Holy Spirit uses us to unite His Body. Let’s begin in Wilkes County. 

If this has touched a cord in you I encourage you to read and meditate on 2 Corinthians 3-6.